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work van driving safety tipsThe new work vans on the market allow for high levels of maneuverability, however it can still be a challenge to drive in heavy traffic. Adrian Steel has put together a few quick driving safety tips to help ensure that you and your vehicle get to and from your destination safely.

Avoid Causing a Traffic Jam

No one likes to be stuck in traffic. But, did you know that there are a few ways that you can help to avoid contributing to a traffic jam? It’s all about consistency:

  • Pay attention – watch for indications of slowing traffic ahead and gently slow down as soon as you see brake lights
  • Don’t slow down more than necessary – every time you hit your brakes, you perpetuate the chain reaction of slowing down through the entire line of traffic
  • When possible, try to avoid coming to a complete stop on the highway
  • Drive consistently – in lighter traffic, be sure to maintain a consistent speed to avoid causing other drivers to brake unnecessarily


Share the Road

You have probably noticed that driving a work van requires a little bit more effort than driving a compact car. Because of the size of your van, it’s critical to pay special attention while on the road. While it can sometimes be frustrating to share the road with other drivers, there are a few driving safety tips to take into consideration for safe travels:

  • Don’t follow too closely behind semi-trucks – if you can’t see the driver’s mirrors, then he or she can’t see you!
  • Change lanes safely – you know the drill: check mirrors and blind spots, use your turn signal, and ensure that you don’t cut off other drivers
  • Be conscientious when parking – work vans are bigger than the typical car, so when in more populated areas, make sure to park as close to the curb as possible or near the back of the parking lot

Adrian Steel is not responsible for any accidents or incidents that could happen while on the road.


About Adrian Steel

Adrian Steel is committed to providing you with the most innovative, high-quality upfits for your work van on the market. With our upfits, you can be re-assured that your valuable cargo will be stored safely and securely. To learn more about Adrian Steel products, visit our website, give us a call at (800) 677-2726, or send us an email at


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