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Heavy Duty Series

Reinforced Shelves (Middle & Bottom)

Shelf lips have gussets to support your heavier tools and consumables.

Configured in the middle and bottomto reduce how high you need to lift heavy items.

Shelving Unit Sizes

Available in:
Widths - 28”, 32”, 42”, 44”, 50”, 52”
Heights - 36”, 46”, 56”, 59”, 60”
Deep - 14” (most HD units have top shelf of 12” deep)
Lips - 2” & 4”

4” Shelf Lips

Help retain items keeping them on the shelf.

Weight Capacity Per Unit

Top Shelf: 75 lbs.
Middle/Bottom: 220 lbs. with weight evenly distributed.

Heavy Duty Series

Heavy duty shelving solutions for nearly every vehicle

Depth Height Widths
26" 32" 42" 44" 50" 52"
14" 46" HD26TC HD-32FP
HD-42FP n/a n/a HD-52FP
14" 56" n/a HD-32SPR
n/a n/a HD-42SPR
14" 59" n/a HD3259 n/a HD4459 HD5059 n/a
14" 60" HD32NVH HD-42WP
n/a n/a n/a HD52NVH
Compact Vans
Depth Height Widths
26" 28" 32" - - -
14" 59" n/a HD-28NV2 HD-32NV2
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