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Benefits of Cargo Van Bulkheads

Adrian Steel Van Bulkheads

Transporting your large and heavy equipment and tools in a commercial vehicle can be dangerous if the cargo is not properly secured. A bulkhead, also called a partition, is a secure, snugly-fitting divider that is constructed to fit tightly against the bottom, sides, and top of the van. The bulkhead is located behind the driver and passenger seats in a van and separates them from the cargo area. Bulkheads are rigid and strong and will keep the cargo where it belongs should the driver need to stop suddenly or swerve.

Benefits of Bulkheads

There are numerous advantages to installing a cargo van bulkhead by Adrian Steel.  The most immediate advantages are the ability to compartmentalize your workspace and ensure the security of drivers, especially for commercial vans that are carrying heavy loads of machinery and equipment.  A high quality van bulkhead is designed to withstand and protect the driver and passenger from moving and shifting cargo, and more!

Durability – The 18 gauge formed steel used in our bulkheads ensure long lasting durability.  No matter what you are transporting, a full size van bulkhead can accommodate your needs.  Commercial vans serve many different purposes, and we offer a full line of van bulkheads to meet these needs.  From solid partition that provides the ultimate in security to the perforated, hinged door models that allow air-flow and easy access to the cargo hold, we have a huge variety of van bulkheads for you to choose from.

Organization – Bulkheads are an excellent way to organize the cargo area of your commercial vans. Several accessories can also be mounted directly onto the partition, which creates more storage space.

Climate Control – Bulkheads create a seal between the partition and the van sides, which makes heating or cooling the front of the vehicle much easier and more efficient.

Professional Image – Bulkheads create a professional, organized look and feel to your work van, which is important into today’s marketplace.

Save Money – Adrian Steel bulkheads can save you a lot of money down the road.  Don’t risk the safety of your drivers, passengers, and cargo by ignoring the need for a van bulkhead.  Not utilizing a bulkhead in your van can create potential risks, including risks to the health and safety of the passengers in the van.  The best way to protect your company, assets, and crew is with a full size van bulkhead that’s customized to serve the needs of your business.

Van Equipment from Adrian Steel

In addition to cargo van bulkheads and other types of partitions, Adrian Steel offers a complete selection of additional van equipment, including customized ladder racks, shelving units, and additional storage space and lockers to further ensure the safe transportation of cargo.

Learn more about all of Adrian Steel’s available bulkheads.

Ready to Install?

Have you found just the right bulkhead partition for your work truck? It’s time to find a local Adrian Steel Distributor to help you find exactly what you need. Our distributors are located throughout the United States and Canada.

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