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Adrian Steel Joins the Transit Tour

Adrian Steel Booth at Ford Transit Tour

Adrian Steel has hit the road with Ford’s Truth About Transit Tour! Next week, the tour will head to Chicago, Illinois, where attendees will experience and learn about the new line of Ford vans.


The launch of the 2015 Ford Transit is right around the corner. This event features a variety of activities for attendees to get to know the Ford Transit:


Truth About Transit Tour

Test Drive

At the Truth About Transit Tour, attendees can test-drive Ford’s newest models on a safe, closed course. Here participants will have the opportunity to experience first-hand the Transit’s handling, technology, and functionality.


Hands-On Garage

The tour features a Tech Garage where attendees can see exactly how the Ford Transit is built. This hands-on experience will demonstrate the durability of Ford’s vans.


Product Specialists

Ford Transit experts are available to answer any questions attendees have about the vehicle and how it can benefit their business.



Don’t miss Adrian Steel’s booth where you can learn about all of the upfit options available for Ford’s commercial vans.


To view all location and tour dates, please visit the Truth About Transit Tour website. There is no cost to attend the event, however attendees must be over 18. Sign up to register here:


About Adrian Steel

Adrian Steel offers a full line of cargo management solutions for all types of commercial vehicles. With more than 60 years of experience, Adrian Steel is a leader in crafting innovative and functional upfit options. Products include ladder racks, tool boxes, customizable shelving, complete vocational upfits, and more. Adrian Steel products are available through its extensive network of distributors, located throughout the USA and Canada.


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