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Tips for Locksmith Business

Running a successful Locksmith business is daunting, to say the least.  In fact, running any type of business is difficult.  But a Locksmith business has its own set of challenges.  Here are our top tips for Locksmith Business Owners.

Always be on Time

Being late isn’t an option when you’re running a business.  No professional service person should keep a client waiting.  Instead, be on time or early.  One of the top complaints about professional locksmiths is that they do not arrive on time.  Don’t be that person!

Have the Right Amount of Stock

We know it’s easy to get sucked into buying the latest and greatest gadgets and tools, but this isn’t always necessary.  Instead, buy the basics and expand as your business grows.  Ensure you have enough stock to complete your jobs, because it’s essential to your reputation that you have the basics covered.  Every once in a while, a new and unusual locks may surprise you, but this is rare.

Honor Your Hours

Do you advertise 24-hour service?  If so, be prepared to answer calls at all times of the day and night.  If you find yourself turning away jobs, or avoiding the phone, it may be time to re-think your schedule.

Keep Your Van Organized

A locksmith works out of his van, so keeping your vehicle organized is a must.  To uphold a professional image, the last thing you want is a messy service vehicle.  Instead, organize your office on wheels with shelves, bins, storage modules, a ladder rack, and accessories.  If you’re to the point where your inventory has completely taken over your work van, you may want to consider a Locksmith upfit package.  These packages are designed specifically for Locksmiths, and include the necessities for organizing your van.

Market Your Locksmith Business

Your business will not grow if you don’t market it, plain and simple.  Purchase professional-looking business cards that have your business name, your name, and your phone number prominently displayed.  Business cards don’t have to be high-end, but they should contain the important information, and be easy-to-read.  If you have a website or email address, be sure to include those, too.  Don’t forget about a vehicle wrap, either.  A vehicle wrap is an excellent way to market your business 24/7, and for a locksmith, that’s important.

Give Excellent Customer Service

Above all, offer your clients the same type of service you would expect from a professional.  The way you answer calls, how long it takes to return a call, your appearance, billing forms, and more all tell your client whether or not you are trustworthy and professional.  If you skip customer service and instead rely only on skill and dedication, you may soon be out of a job.

Adrian Steel

Adrian Steel offers Locksmith Upfit Packages, designed specifically for those in the locksmith trade.  Visit us online at  Find a local Adrian Steel Distributor in your area or contact Adrian Steel today.

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